Praise Is A Remedy

Posted by Oloyede femi on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 Under: New Daily Message





Isaiah 12:1 “I will praise you, Lord. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me”


When an angry husband is to be calmed by his wife, she begins to praise him, using all sort of sweet names. Before you know it, the man is calmed and relaxed. Now here is what praise does to the soul, it brings merry to the soul, it makes the soul glad. Another thing is the case where the woman wants something from her husband, because she knows how to praise him, she will get it. She begins to call him all sorts of beautiful names like, dear, honey, sweetheart, love. She even goes beyond that to say, “You are my head, you are my lord” all these is because she wants something. And the head of the husband will swell, that even what she has not asked for, he will get it for her. That is how God is, if you praise him with your whole heart just like in Psalm 111:1. He is going to give you all what you ask for, even the once you haven’t asked. When you praise God like no other and He sees your heart, that sickness in your body will leave before you know it. God loves praises that He lives even in the praises of His people, Psalm 22:3 says:


But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel


Praise is the only food you can serve without having to cook before serving. It is the fastest food that can be served to anyone, but most especially God. The way you praise man is totally different to the way you praise God. In Psalm 150:1-6, the Bible says you must praise God for His Mighty deeds, in His mighty Heavens, in His Sanctuary, according to His excellent greatness. No man has all this attributes; no man is mightier than God, which is why God is the Almighty. The painful thing is, the living praise that which is not living, praise idols, images that can’t talk nor walk nor perform wonders. Yet Psalm 150:6 says “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” which means once you are dead, you stop praising the Lord, once you are dead, you can’t give Him praise, if I were you right now, I will give God all the Praise wherever I am. Praise the Lord! David knows how to praise and worship God, no wonder he is a man after God’s heart (Acts 13:22). Praise is a weapon of salvation, in Acts 16:25, the Bible says after Paul and Silas had prayed, they sang praises unto God, and what happened? Immediately the prison gate that was shut against them was opened and their hands that were bound were loosened. When you praise God, He won’t just open anyhow doors to you, He will open shut doors of blessings, prosperity, success, good health etc. that the enemies has shut against you in Jesus name. not only will the doors be opened, but also what your enemies have tied your hands from reaching, you will reach them in Jesus name. Praise is not just a remedy to your enemies alone it is a remedy to all things around you. When you praise God, others will see you and see the glory of God upon you; in fact you will be an example to follow. Are you still praising God with one eye closed and the other opened, if you are shy to praise God, then He won’t even bother listening to your praises. In 2nd Samuel 6:12-23, you see there that every enemy of your praising God, shall never be fruitful in Jesus name.  


Praise and worship is the overflow of your revelation of who God is. The more you know Him, the more you will praise Him. Strife to know Him more.

In : New Daily Message 

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